Add/change artist image


I’ve been getting the hang of how to organize my library for it to work well with volumio and I’m pleased with how it’s comming together now. The only thing that I’m annoyed by at the by at the moment is that some artists don’t have an image and some artists have a wrong image (image of another artist with the same name). Is there any way to manually add or change these images?

Not directly helpful - but this might a good read. … n-gravell/

People have asked several times what the source is for the artist images, none of the developers have ever answered as far as I know.
Nor has any information been provided as to how to use local images where an internet sourced one isn’t available.
I have several artists who do not get an artist image, typically smaller and less know Aussie or European bands miss out.

I send a message to their helpdesk and they just answered with how the album artwork works. So still no answer for my question.

A quick glance at the volumio2 codebase hints that it uses Last.FM as the source of album/artist images…

Looking at the same code, you also see how it searches (rather inefficiently if I may add.) for local images first, and uses it if it’s less than ~5MB

		 * Trying to read albumart from file

    var covers = ['coverart.jpg', 'albumart.jpg', 'coverart.png', 'albumart.png',
      'cover.JPG', 'Cover.JPG', 'folder.JPG', 'Folder.JPG',
      'cover.PNG', 'Cover.PNG', 'folder.PNG', 'Folder.PNG',
      'cover.jpg', 'Cover.jpg', 'folder.jpg', 'Folder.jpg',
      'cover.png', 'Cover.png', 'folder.png', 'Folder.png'];
    splitted = path.split('/');

    for (var i in covers) {
      var coverFile = coverFolder + '/' + covers[i];
      // console.log("Searching for cover " + coverFile);
      if (fs.existsSync(coverFile)) {
        var size = fs.statSync(coverFile).size;

I could be wrong, but if you organise your music with each artist folder containing the right [cC]over|[fF]older[art].jpg|png you should be good to go. (I haven’t tested this - so caveat emptor)

├── Genesis
│   ├── 1976 - A Trick Of The Tail
│   │   ├── 01 - Genesis - Dance on a Volcano
│   │   ├── 02 - Genesis - Entagled
│   │    .
│   │    .
│   │   ├── 08 - Genesis - Los endos
│   │   └── cover.png
│   ├── 1976 - Wind & Wuthering
│   │   ├── 01 - Genesis - Eleventh Earl Of Mar
│   │    .
│   │    .
│   │   ├── 09 - Genesis - Afterglow
│   │   └── cover.png
│   ├── 1991 - I Can't Dance (Maxi)
│   │   ├── 01 - Genesis - I Can't Dance
│   │    .
│   │    .
│   │   ├── 04 - Genesis - That's All (live)
│   │   └── cover.png
│   └── cover.png

Two different things, the album/covert art is known, the local image in the folder with the music files. Easily managed and well understood.

The artist images are new, only appearing in the last couple of version updates (if I remember correctly).
These are drawn from the internet/web. We don’t know where from, we don’t know how to provide a local version where none are found from the internet/web.

Your statement about is news, I’ve not heard that before, it seems quite plausible.

I just looked at the code again, and I agree - it only look online for artist images - i.e when you navigate via the “Artists” menu in the WebUI. So if Last.FM doesn’t have an entry about that artist, you’re out of luck here…

Setting an individual image manually seems to work only when you browse your music library directly via the “Music Library” menu on the WebUI

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