Search function does not perform on mobi

The same search term on a computer will show the result and on mobi it will not show anything!

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This is because of youtube plugin. It does not work and prevents search results from being shown.
Please uninstall it

If I search on the computer it will work normally.

Yes, but on PC the UI searchs only on the service you are on, while on mobile it searchs on them all.,
What other plugins you have installed?

the problem is youtube + mobile UI

Hi @michelangelo
I dropped youtube. But the search function on phones with albums in the HDD is still not found.
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I have spotify installed too

I have just checked that if I remove the spotify youtube and nanosound CD then the search function will work on the phone. Like this seems very inconvenient. When I just want to listen to music on the HDD, I have to skip other functions.

Can you do a small test for me?
Can you enable one plugin at the time and perform a search on mobile?
So we can understand which plugin breaks the search. Thanks

I checked that I installed the plugin Nanosound CD. so the search function does not work.

Problem has been found and fix in this PR ( NanoSound CD version 1.1.7)

Thanks for finding and raising this.