Raspberry Pi Touchscreen: Context menu not accessible

Hi! On the Raspberry Pi Touchscreen the Volumio context menu is not accessible for the first items in a list, so it’s not even possible to add a folder or album to the playlist.

Thanks for reporting. Could you please open an issue here:

I had the same issue, so I’ve rejigged the js & css files to display a minimal set of options as icons instead:
It works fine for me, as they’re the only options from the context menu that I use regularly - although I may change the eye icon (view album) into a refresh icon instead (refresh album details)

Hi Flibblebot,

what a nice little customizing of the existing UI!
I’m running my volumio with a 7“touchscreen and have the issue described above with the context menu being displayed as a dropup, overlayed by the header, regardless of the language used (english/german)
Even though it was claimed to have a fix for this in
, it seems not to work for me.
The topic is on the Volumio2-UI issue tracker for a while now.

Is there a chance that you could share your js & css files? I would be very keen to test your setup as well.
Thanks a lot.