DACBerry One+

Selling my DACberry One+

35€ + shipping from Germany

Little used works perfect.

Board Details here:
osaelectronics.com/product/ … -one-plus/

Hi Cartasid,

I want to buy it.
Shipping to Germany :slight_smile:

Kannst mir eine PM schreiben.

Schöne Grüße

Hi, kann scheinbar leider keine PM schreiben, kannst mich gerne per Mail kontaktieren.


…you got mail :slight_smile:

Hallo Nicolas,

Sendungsnummer per email wäre much appreciated. :slight_smile:

May i ask what has been the reason to give it away for half the price ? I already own one of these and i have to report i am very happy with it - for the use case ( dac + digi in- and output ).

Given a good power supply it is sounding good to my ears… … to my ears, on a couple of different amp -> Speaker sets :slight_smile:

For just DAC i am also tending to PI4(1GB) and a Khadas tone board… :wink: Things changed a bit with the PI4.

Best Regards

Hallo Nicolas,

Ist heute angekommen.

Schöne Woche