cold shutdown possible with volumio 2?

With Volumio 2, does cold shutdown still corrupt the installation on the SD-Card? Or does it run in ROM, so turning off the power will not affect the SD-Installation.
Thanks a lot.

Volumio is using squashfs for the read-only rootfs and overlayfs filesystem to overlay the rootfs with a folder on the data partition.
Most of the runtime operation is in tmpfs, so no wear on your SD either.
A cold shutdown should be harmless, the worst that can happen is that you loose some of your configuration data if you changed some during the session before the cold shutdown.
Try it out with a spare SD.

– Gé –

Thanks a lot for this swift and positiv answer.
That means: volumio is fit for family, that is great!
I am also very much impressed by the new volumio 2.041, it works great, looks good (as before), and it is now supremely easy and smart to set up.
Best wishes and thanks,

Thanks for this !

For completeness, currently data and boot partitions are mounted R/W at all times, so there are data corruption risks potentially if device is not properly shutdown.
Proper shutdown can be done via UI, or wiring a button on GPIOs.

So I am reading conflicting answers here. I am running Volumio on my Rpi 3B+ on a wifi controlled power strip, I can boot from either Google Assistant or Apple Home by voice. I would also like to shutdown the same way. Powering and shutting down the RPi does not hurt the hardware. The question is If I make changes to the config and then immediately shutdown are partial transaction writes rolled back both for Volumio data on the main partition and system data on the boot partition? I don’t care if I loose the last transaction I do care if I brick the Micro SD card.

This is a 6 year old thread about Volumio 2, which has been unsupported for a long time.

Is there a new thread with the current version if you could send me a link it would be appreciated.

In basic, if you pull the plug SD card corruption can happen.
Like temp files are not deleted, causing the next boot to go into error.

It’s the same as with your car. You don’t get out by opening the door and jump while you pull the key out of the contact. No you break park it and shut the engine down.