calls to remote servers?

I have made some changes in my network and added a lot of blocking lists to pihole.
Still it was quite a surprise to see that about 85% of blocked queries on my pihole are lookups for and
I don’t know why volumio wants to connect to any remote services, as I am toying around with my network I only play local media.
However, being responsible for 85% of blocked requests is not something admirable.
I have read about pushupdates, but that is (was?) a different server.
From what I found, audioscrobbler seems to be some music recomendation service.
What data is sent there?

I found that switching off ‘Web album art’ prevents the calls to ws.audioscrobbler.
Now its is just calls to resolving that is ‘flooding’ the Pihole logs.
Very curious what that is about…

audioscrobbler calls are to retrieve album arts for artists is used to retrieve myvolumio plugin keys, if you block it myvolumio won’t work.

I have a little over 20 block lists, I don’t know which one blocks it (or why).
Would it be possible to increase the interval between requests, a call every few seconds isn’t really necessary :mrgreen:

They are retried only if they fail.
If we increase the interval, this will make experience way worse for people that don’t block…

For those that stumble onto the same issue, there are 2 options:

  • Add the domain to the Top lists settings in Settings | API/Web Interface. This will prevent the domain being shown in the lists, but it will still not resolve;
  • Add the domain to the white list in Pi-hole. Now the domain will resolve normally.